The Simulation

Friday ~ Sunday


The weekend begins on the Friday evening with a series of lectures from departmental staff and guest speakers. This is followed by a drinks reception for simulation delegates, providing the perfect opportunity to network with allies and opponents alike. 

Alternatively, free drinks never fail to lure the student population. 


Early Saturday morning, the simulation proper begins. An initial situation report is sent to each delegation and the ops team starts processing orders as delegates rush to implement their national strategies. 

The day is separated by an hour lunch break and culminates in an evening of 'enhanced diplomacy' at a nearby pub.


Come Sunday morning, tensions are often high and inter-delegation relations usually begin to sour. Events become frantic and the pressure mounts.

The crisis continues until a well anticipated climax draws the process to a close. Subsequently, all those involved congregate in the main lecture theatre for a de-brief and prizes, before heading to a local bar for a well earned tipple.

The simulation itself is usually conducted over a weekend in spring. However, there are research allocations, guest speakers, and socials throughout the term. In 2020, it ran from February 28th to the 1st of March. Follow us on Facebook to be kept in the loop:

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