The King's College London Crisis Simulation is a student-led simulation set within the Department of War Studies. Played over the course of a weekend in the spring term, it invites students to take up the role of leaders, diplomats, and generals for a multitude of countries and organisations. They must craft a coherent national strategy and execute it in the face of an escalating crisis scenario. Unlike many similar crises, every element of national power is modelled. From embassies to airstrikes, all options are on the table. How will you wield them?

Why Should You Join?


Do lectures about coercion theory make your head spin? Does just hearing the term constructivist send you to sleep? The simulation might help with that. By giving you as close to a real-world crisis experience as possible, you have the chance to practically apply these theories and step inside the head of decision makers. See our Simulation page for more.


The simulation can help you refine career skills. You'll have to make dozens of important decisions under time pressure with limited information, communicating your intent to your team and others. This all great for development and your CV. Moreover, wargaming is increasingly popular as an analytical tool for policymakers; this is a foot in that door. See our Alumni & Affiliations page for more.


It is a simulation, and we take it seriously. However, it is also very enjoyable. There's a lot of frantic politicking and immersive planning packed into the weekend. Plus, there are pub socials after both days. Diplomacy by day, drink by night. 

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